passwd_exp 1.2.11 released
Just released passwd_exp version 1.2.11 with small feature fix for email seding. Download here. passwd_exp is a highly customizable but easy to setup email password/account expiration notifier.
Software Development, Design, Architecture and Management
Just released passwd_exp version 1.2.11 with small feature fix for email seding. Download here. passwd_exp is a highly customizable but easy to setup email password/account expiration notifier.
I’ve just published solr_pager a search component for Solr that should make paging easier. It’s main use should be by XSLT transformation (using XSLT writer), so one should not bother anymore with slow recursive XSLT hacks and only apply fast templates on paging list in search result. Initial version 0.2.0 can be found on […]
I was dealing with problem how to remotely access subversion server in secure way. There are (as far i know) two basic ways to do this and I was not satisfied with neither of them, due to some security and hard-to-setup-or-maintain problems. So I have created my own way how to remotely access subversion repository […]
Simple solution for not-so-trivial problem of copying xml node with all its attributes, but without child nodes. Without the last condition, solution is easy, one would use <xsl:copy-of>, but with it things are a bit harder, you should do smt. like: <xsl:copy select=”.”> <!– this copies element name –> <xsl:copy-of select=”@*”/> <!– this copies all […]
Just released initial release of dmlquery tool, for doing DML queries on SQL database (or anything perl DBI abstraction layer can handle) via formated XML files. Very useful for XML pipelining. With this and XML/XSLT transformations you can do very powerful thinks, like whole ETL tools for extracting data from one source (database, web…), transform […]
If you are administering you own server, you may have already solving problem how to return to previous configuration, because now you have made some ‘important’ changes and this changes work perfect, but nothing else works 😉 And now you pray: ‘if i ever could return to my configuration done X days ago’. You can […]
In previous post I’ve tried to present my solution for solving max(count()) problem. The solution was slightly suboptimal and I’ve needed to speed it up a bit, because I’m using it now in some statistical calculations and every millisecond is important. This is original solution. CREATE VIEW data_view_source AS SELECT DISTINCT ON (dp_id) dp_id, ds_id […]
This is simple way how-to generate time table (list of consequencing timestamps, or timeline) in PostgreSQL. Nothing spectacular, but might help you ,when trying to do some time based statistical selects (can feel like OLAP :-)). Code: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION gen_time_list( tim IN TIMESTAMP, tim_stop IN TIMESTAMP, step IN INT) RETURNS TABLE(ts1 TIMESTAMP, ts2 […]
I’ve been solving problem of doing grouped MAX(COUNT()) in PostgreSQL, and because I’ve not found anything really usable out there (doing correlated sub-queries is definitely not good idea for thousands of records) I’ve had to find my own solution. Situation plan My configuration is a bit complicated to explain this, so i’ll try do it […]
I’ve found again, that simple things don’t get so simple in OpenSource world, and you have to do it yourself when you want something. That’s the difference, in the world of commercial software you have to, either pay big money or you never get feature you need (and mostly both ;-)) I’ve slightly unusual and […]