Selective routing on Linux

Sometime it’s needed to selectively route specified IPs or networks via different interface – i.e. if you want to route private addresses over VPN (a.k.a split tunnel routing) or to route some public IPs over VPN to unblock some nationally restricted sites (Netflix). Here are simple scripts to achieve this.

Fixing has stopped on Lollipop

Another fix for “The process has stopped unexpectedly…” that can (also) appear after you upgrade to Lollipop (Android 5.0) from some lower Android version without doing factory reset. Try to uninstall “DRM Protected Content Storage” app via Settings -> Apps. In my case, this was a left-over of Android 4.3, and had some […]

Printing backtrace on SIGSEGV

New version of log-malloc2 provides new helpful functions and scripts that make backtrace printing and analyzing easy and convenient. log-malloc2_util.h provides few fully inlined functions: 1. log_malloc_backtrace_init(void) Pre-initializes backtrace() function, to avoid any later memory allocations. Use of this function is optional, but it’s good to use it on program start if you want to […]

firefox 31 + self-signed certificate = sec_error_ca_cert_invalid

If you are trying to access site with self-signed certificate with Firefox 31 (or later) and get Issuer certificate is invalid error (sec_error_ca_cert_invalid), you have to disable new mozilla::pkix certificate verification. In about:config set security.use_mozillapkix_verification = false To find out more about mozilla::pkix and why your firefox just got so super secure and paranoid, that […]

Simple XSLT ifnull for numbers

Answer to question how to display zero instead of NaN in XSLT for non existing node containing number values (kind of ifnull or coallesce functions that are available in SQL). You can do it by standard expressive XSLT way, with using variable and <xsl:choose>, or abuse built-in sum() function and do whole thing in one […]

Disable Windows 7 hotkeys

This little script disables Windows 7 hotkeys if you have no local admin rights and registry editor (regedit) is also disabled.  Simply save it as hkey.vbs and execute. Option Explicit ‘Declare variables Dim WSHShell, rr, MyBox, val, ttl Dim jobfunc, itemtype On Error Resume Next Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) val = “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\DisabledHotkeys” itemtype = “REG_EXPAND_SZ” […]

OpenVPN OCC ping patch

Hello, i’ve created simple patch for OpenVPN implementing OCC ping. Main difference of OCC ping and existing OpenVPN ping is that OCC ping is being actively replied on other side of the communication channel. This way you can configure various per-client channel reliability policies: Non-mobile clients might ping more frequently to ensure stable connection, and […]

Fixing pg_dump invalid memory alloc request size

I’ve encountered unusual problem while dumping one of the bigger PostgreSQL databases. Every try to run pg_dump resulted in this: sam@cerberus:~/backup$ pg_dump -v -c js1 >x pg_dump: Error message from server: ERROR: invalid memory alloc request size 18446744073709551613 pg_dump: The command was: COPY job.description (create_time, job_id, content, hash, last_check_time) TO stdout; pg_dump: *** aborted because […]